The movie business has seen a multitude of film sagas in recent decades. Hollywood finds many sources for its films in literature. The Twilight Saga movies are a exquisite example of this. A good book can lead to a prosperous request for retrial photo version of the story.
The Twilight Saga is the newest film franchise to have the spotlight. On 30th June, Summit Entertainment will publish its next film, Eclipse, in this series. One of the questions circling among fans on the Internet is whether or not the final book of the series, Breaking Dawn, will be broken up into at least two films.
Imdb Twilight
Large movie yield fellowships are splitting up favorite works of fiction into multiple films. Such is the case with the final installment of the Harry Potter series. Maybe the most prosperous film franchise ever based on literature, the final Harry Potter novel will be released in several parts as well.
Many citizen might like to see such series continue on. The Twilight saga itself is laced with subplots and characters that could Maybe be used to produce prosperous spin-off films and other franchises.
Twilight Saga author, Stephanie Meyer, has already written several spin-off novels that deal with main characters of the films. Some of them spend more time on lesser characters that only make a brief appearance in the novels and films.
Statistically speaking, young adults make up the largest percentage of the theater-going population. Like Harry Potter, The Twilight Saga centers on young adults in its novels. The main character is an engaging young teenager who is dealing with adolescence and growing up in a singular parent household. Hollywood knows this, and by adapting these novels into major request for retrial pictures, it is betting on the association the story will have with its young adult audience.
There are many film franchises in Hollywood; not all of them are based on literature. Star Trek is one of the longest running film franchises ever. Most recently, Hollywood produced a prequel to the first film that examines some of the main characters in the series when they were much younger. Some might argue that this is other growing trend in Hollywood. The idea is that rebooting a dying franchise can be profitable. The recent reboot of Star Trek turned out to be profitable and gained a lot of significant success as well.
As in any industry, businesses are faced with the query of how to make more money and grow the company. As of now, the Twilight Saga films released have proved to be a very prosperous business decision. whether the remaining films currently in yield are prosperous or not, there are story lines within the Twilight saga that Hollywood may wish to adapt into major request for retrial pictures.
The Twilight Saga fan base has grown considerably. As in the case of Star Trek, there are conventions every year where such fans can get together and share their interest in the material. There are already several websites devoted to the Twilight fans. In fact, there is a traveling custom that tours the United States this year. With a growing fan base, there may be no limit to the whole of books or films that can be produced in the years to come.
The Twilight Saga Movies - How Many Will There Be?
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